Package 'CRTspat'

Title: Workflow for Cluster Randomised Trials with Spillover
Description: Design, workflow and statistical analysis of Cluster Randomised Trials of (health) interventions where there may be spillover between the arms (see <>).
Authors: Thomas Smith [aut, cre, cph] , Lea Multerer [ctb], Mariah Silkey [ctb]
Maintainer: Thomas Smith <[email protected]>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Version: 1.3.2
Built: 2025-02-24 12:00:15 UTC

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Aggregate data across records with duplicated locations


aggregateCRT aggregates data from a "CRTsp" object or trial data frame containing multiple records with the same location, and outputs a list of class "CRTsp" containing single values for each location, for both the coordinates and the auxiliary variables.


aggregateCRT(trial, auxiliaries = NULL)



An object of class "CRTsp" containing locations (x,y) and variables to be summed


vector of names of auxiliary variables to be summed across each location


Variables that in the trial dataframe that are not included in auxiliaries are retained in the output algorithm "CRTsp" object, with the value corresponding to that of the first record for the location in the input data frame


A list of class "CRTsp"


trial <- readdata('example_site.csv')
trial$base_denom <- 1
aggregated <- aggregateCRT(trial, auxiliaries = c("RDT_test_result","base_denom"))

Analysis of cluster randomized trial with spillover


CRTanalysis carries out a statistical analysis of a cluster randomized trial (CRT).


  method = "GEE",
  distance = "nearestDiscord",
  scale_par = NULL,
  cfunc = "L",
  link = "logit",
  numerator = "num",
  denominator = "denom",
  excludeBuffer = FALSE,
  alpha = 0.05,
  baselineOnly = FALSE,
  baselineNumerator = "base_num",
  baselineDenominator = "base_denom",
  personalProtection = FALSE,
  clusterEffects = TRUE,
  spatialEffects = FALSE,
  pixel = NULL,
  control = NULL,
  requireMesh = FALSE,
  inla_mesh = NULL



an object of class "CRTsp" or a data frame containing locations in (x,y) coordinates, cluster assignments (factor cluster), and arm assignments (factor arm) and outcome data (see details).


statistical method with options:

"EMP" simple averages of the data
"T" comparison of cluster means by t-test
"GEE" Generalised Estimating Equations
"LME4" Generalized Linear Mixed-Effects Models
"INLA" Integrated Nested Laplace Approximation (INLA)
"MCMC" Markov chain Monte Carlo using "stan"
"WCA" Within cluster analysis

Measure of distance or surround with options:

"nearestDiscord" distance to nearest discordant location (km)
"disc" disc
"kern" surround based on sum of normal kernels
"hdep" Tukey half space depth
"sdep" simplicial depth

numeric: pre-specified value of the spillover parameter or disc radius for models where this is fixed (cfunc = "R").


transformation defining the spillover function with options:

"Z" arm effects not considered reference model
"X" spillover not modelled the only valid value of cfunc for methods "EMP", "T" and "GEE"
"L" inverse logistic (sigmoid) the default for "INLA" and "MCMC" methods
"P" inverse probit (error function) available with "INLA" and "MCMC" methods
"D" diffusion model only available with the "MCMC" method
"S" piecewise linear only available with the "MCMC" method
"E" estimation of scale factor only available with distance = "disc" or distance = "kern"
"R" rescaled linear

link function with options:

"logit" (the default). numerator has a binomial distribution with denominator denominator.
"log" numerator is Poisson distributed with an offset of log(denominator).
"cloglog" numerator is Bernoulli distributed with an offset of log(denominator).
"identity" The outcome is numerator/denominator with a normally distributed error function.

string: name of numerator variable for outcome


string: name of denominator variable for outcome data (if present)


logical: indicator of whether any buffer zone (records with buffer=TRUE) should be excluded from analysis


numeric: confidence level for confidence intervals and credible intervals


logical: indicator of whether required analysis is of effect size or of baseline only


string: name of numerator variable for baseline data (if present)


string: name of denominator variable for baseline data (if present)


logical: indicator of whether the model includes local effects with no spillover


logical: indicator of whether the model includes cluster random effects


logical: indicator of whether the model includes spatial random effects (available only for method = "INLA" or for method = "MCMC")


numeric: size of pixel in km for spatial model (used for method = "MCMC")


list: control options to be passed to the statistical fitting function (available only for method = "MCMC")


logical: indicator of whether spatial predictions are required (available only for method = "INLA")


string: name of pre-existing INLA input object created by compute_mesh()


CRTanalysis is a wrapper for the statistical analysis packages: gee, INLA, rstan, and the t.test function of package stats.

The wrapper does not provide an interface to the full functionality of these packages. It is specific for typical analyses of cluster randomized trials with geographical clustering. Further details are provided in the vignette.

The key results of the analyses can be extracted using a summary() of the output list. The model_object in the output list is the usual output from the statistical analysis routine, and can be also be inspected with summary(), or analysed using stats::fitted() for purposes of evaluation of model fit etc..

For models with a complementary log-log link function specified with link = "cloglog". the numerator must be coded as 0 or 1. Technically the binomial denominator is then 1 and the value of denominator is used as a rate multiplier.

With the "INLA" method 'iid' random effects are used to model extra-Poisson variation.

Interval estimates for the coefficient of variation of the cluster level outcome are calculated using the method of Vangel (1996).

If a control list is provided then this is passed to the


list of class CRTanalysis containing the following results of the analysis:

  • description : description of the dataset

  • method : statistical method

  • pt_ests : point estimates

  • int_ests : interval estimates

  • model_object : object returned by the fitting routine

  • spillover : function values and statistics describing the estimated spillover


example <- readdata('exampleCRT.txt')
# Analysis of test dataset by t-test
exampleT <- CRTanalysis(example, method = "T")
# Standard GEE analysis of test dataset ignoring spillover
exampleGEE <- CRTanalysis(example, method = "GEE")
# LME4 analysis with error function spillover function
exampleLME4 <- CRTanalysis(example, method = "LME4", cfunc = "P")

Create or update a "CRTsp" object


CRTsp coerces data frames containing co-ordinates and location attributes into objects of class "CRTsp" or creates a new "CRTsp" object by simulating a set of Cartesian co-ordinates for use as the locations in a simulated trial site


  x = NULL,
  design = NULL,
  geoscale = NULL,
  locations = NULL,
  kappa = NULL,
  mu = NULL,
  geometry = "point"



an object of class "CRTsp" or a data frame containing locations in (x,y) coordinates, cluster assignments (factor cluster), and arm assignments (factor arm). Optionally specification of a buffer zone (logical buffer); any other variables required for subsequent analysis.


list: an optional list containing the requirements for the power of the trial


numeric: standard deviation of random displacement from each settlement cluster center (for new objects)


integer: number of locations in population (for new objects)


numeric: intensity of Poisson process of settlement cluster centers (for new objects)


numeric: mean number of points per settlement cluster (for new objects)


with valid values 'point' (the default, corresponding to point locations), 'triangle', 'square' and 'hexagon' corresponding to grids constructed from pixels of regular polygons.


If a data frame or "CRTsp" object is input then the output "CRTsp" object is validated, a description of the geography is computed and power calculations are carried out.

If geoscale, locations, kappa and mu are specified then a new trial dataframe is constructed corresponding to a novel simulated human settlement pattern. This is generated using the Thomas algorithm (rThomas) in spatstat.random allowing the user to defined the density of locations and degree of spatial clustering. The resulting trial data frame comprises a set of Cartesian coordinates centred at the origin.


A list of class "CRTsp" containing the following components:

design list: parameters required for power calculations
geom_full list: summary statistics describing the site
geom_core list: summary statistics describing the core area (when a buffer is specified)
trial data frame: rows correspond to geolocated points, as follows:
x numeric vector: x-coordinates of locations
y numeric vector: y-coordinates of locations
cluster factor: assignments to cluster of each location
arm factor: assignments to "control" or "intervention" for each location
nearestDiscord numeric vector: Euclidean distance to nearest discordant location (km)
buffer logical: indicator of whether the point is within the buffer
... other objects included in the input "CRTsp" object or data frame


{# Generate a simulated area with 10,000 locations
example_area = CRTsp(geoscale = 1, locations=10000, kappa=3, mu=40)

Convert lat long co-ordinates to x,y


latlong_as_xy converts co-ordinates expressed as decimal degrees into x,y


latlong_as_xy(trial, latvar = "lat", longvar = "long")



A trial dataframe or list of class "CRTsp" containing latitudes and longitudes in decimal degrees


name of column containing latitudes in decimal degrees


name of column containing longitudes in decimal degrees


The output object contains the input locations replaced with Cartesian coordinates in units of km, centred on (0,0), corresponding to using the equirectangular projection (valid for small areas). Other data are unchanged.


A list of class "CRTsp" containing the following components:

geom_full list: summary statistics describing the site
trial data frame: rows correspond to geolocated points, as follows:
x numeric vector: x-coordinates of locations
y numeric vector: y-coordinates of locations
... other objects included in the input "CRTsp" object or data frame


examplexy <- latlong_as_xy(readdata("example_latlong.csv"))

Graphical displays of the geography of a CRT


plotCRT returns graphical displays of the geography of a CRT or of the results of statistical analyses of a CRT


  map = FALSE,
  distance = "nearestDiscord",
  fill = "arms",
  showLocations = FALSE,
  showClusterBoundaries = TRUE,
  showClusterLabels = FALSE,
  showBuffer = FALSE,
  cpalette = NULL,
  buffer_width = NULL,
  maskbuffer = 0.2,
  labelsize = 4,
  legend.position = NULL



object of class 'CRTanalysis' produced by CRTanalysis()


logical: indicator of whether a map is required


measure of distance or surround with options:

"nearestDiscord" distance to nearest discordant location (km)
"disc" disc
"hdep" Tukey's half space depth
"sdep" simplicial depth

fill layer of map with options:

'cluster' cluster assignment
'arms' arm assignment
'nearestDiscord' distance to the nearest discordant location
'disc' disc measure of surround
'hdep' Tukey's half space depth
'sdep' simplicial depth
'prediction' model prediction of the outcome
'none' No fill

logical: determining whether locations are shown


logical: determining whether cluster boundaries are shown


logical: determining whether the cluster numbers are shown


logical: whether a buffer zone should be overlayed


colour palette (to use different colours for clusters this must be at least as long as the number of clusters.


width of buffer zone to be overlayed (km)


radius of buffer around inhabited areas (km)


size of cluster number labels


(using ggplot2::themes syntax)


If map = FALSE and the input is a trial data frame or a CRTsp object, containing a randomisation to arms, a stacked bar chart of the outcome grouped by the specified distance is produced. If the specified distance has not yet been calculated an error is returned.

If map = FALSE and the input is a CRTanalysis object a plot of the estimated spillover function is generated. The fitted spillover function is plotted as a continuous green/blue line against the measure of the surround or of the distance to the nearest discordant location. Using the same axes, data summaries are plotted for ten categories of distance from the boundary. Both the average of the outcome and confidence intervals are plotted.If spillover limits have been estimated then these limits are used to delimit a shaded rectangular overlay, providing they fall within the range of distances in the data. If the spillover limits fall outside the range of the data then the range of distances in the data define the boundaries of the shaded area.

  • For analyses with logit link function the outcome is plotted as a proportion.

  • For analyses with log or cloglog link function the data are plotted on a scale of the Williams mean (mean of exp(log(x + 1))) - 1) rescaled so that the median matches the fitted curve at the midpoint.

If map = TRUE a thematic map corresponding to the value of fill is generated.

  • fill = 'clusters' or leads to thematic map showing the locations of the clusters

  • fill = 'arms' leads to a thematic map showing the geography of the randomization

  • fill = 'distance' leads to a raster plot of the distance to the nearest discordant location.

  • fill = 'prediction' leads to a raster plot of predictions from an 'INLA' model.

If showBuffer = TRUE the map is overlaid with a grey transparent layer showing which areas are within a defined distance of the boundary between the arms. Possibilities are:

  • If the trial has not been randomised or if showBuffer = FALSE no buffer is displayed

  • If buffer_width takes a positive value then buffers of this width are displayed irrespective of any pre-specified or spillover limits.

  • If the input is a 'CRTanalysis' and spillover limits have been estimated then these limits are used to define the displayed buffer providing they fall within the range of distances in the data.

  • If buffer_width is not specified and no spillover limits are available, then any pre-specified buffer (e.g. one generated by specify_buffer()) is displayed.

A message is output indicating which of these possibilities applies.


graphics object produced by the ggplot2 package


{example <- readdata('exampleCRT.txt')
#Plot of data by distance
#Map of locations only
plotCRT(example, map = TRUE, fill = 'none', showLocations = TRUE,
           showClusterBoundaries=FALSE, maskbuffer=0.2)
#show cluster boundaries and number clusters
plotCRT(example, map = TRUE, fill ='none', showClusterBoundaries=TRUE,
           showClusterLabels=TRUE, maskbuffer=0.2, labelsize = 2)
#show clusters in colour
plotCRT(example, map = TRUE, fill = 'clusters', showClusterLabels = TRUE,
          labelsize=2, maskbuffer=0.2)
#show arms
plotCRT(example, map = TRUE,
fill = 'arms', maskbuffer=0.2, legend.position=c(0.8,0.8))
#spillover plot
analysis <- CRTanalysis(example)
 plotCRT(analysis, map = FALSE)

Randomize a two-armed cluster trial


randomizeCRT carries out randomization of clusters and augments the trial data frame with assignments to arms


  matchedPair = FALSE,
  baselineNumerator = "base_num",
  baselineDenominator = "base_denom"



an object of class "CRTsp" or a data frame containing locations in (x,y) coordinates, cluster assignments (factor cluster), and arm assignments (factor arm). Optionally: specification of a buffer zone (logical buffer); any other variables required for subsequent analysis.


logical: indicator of whether pair-matching on the baseline data should be used in randomization


name of numerator variable for baseline data (required for matched-pair randomization)


name of denominator variable for baseline data (required for matched-pair randomization)


A list of class "CRTsp" containing the following components:

design list: parameters required for power calculations
geom_full list: summary statistics describing the site
geom_core list: summary statistics describing the core area (when a buffer is specified)
trial data frame: rows correspond to geolocated points, as follows:
x numeric vector: x-coordinates of locations
y numeric vector: y-coordinates of locations
cluster factor: assignments to cluster of each location
pair factor: assigned matched pair of each location (for matchedPair randomisations)
arm factor: assignments to "control" or "intervention" for each location
... other objects included in the input "CRTsp" object or data frame


# Randomize the clusters in an example trial
exampleCRT <- randomizeCRT(trial = readdata('exampleCRT.txt'), matchedPair = TRUE)

Read example dataset


readdata reads a file from the package library of example datasets





name of text file stored within the package


The input file name should include the extension (either .csv or .txt). The resulting object is a data frame if the extension is .csv.


R object corresponding to the text file


exampleCRT <- readdata('exampleCRT.txt')

Simulation of cluster randomized trial with spillover


simulateCRT generates simulated data for a cluster randomized trial (CRT) with geographic spillover between arms.


  trial = NULL,
  effect = 0,
  outcome0 = NULL,
  generateBaseline = TRUE,
  matchedPair = TRUE,
  scale = "proportion",
  baselineNumerator = "base_num",
  baselineDenominator = "base_denom",
  denominator = NULL,
  ICC_inp = NULL,
  kernels = 200,
  sigma_m = NULL,
  spillover_interval = NULL,
  tol = 0.005



an object of class "CRTsp" or a data frame containing locations in (x,y) coordinates, cluster assignments (factor cluster), and arm assignments (factor arm). Each location may also be assigned a propensity (see details).


numeric. The simulated effect size (defaults to 0)


numeric. The anticipated value of the outcome in the absence of intervention


logical. If TRUE then baseline data and the propensity will be simulated


logical. If TRUE then the function tries to carry out randomization using pair-matching on the baseline data (see details)


measurement scale of the outcome. Options are: 'proportion' (the default); 'count'; 'continuous'.


optional name of numerator variable for pre-existing baseline data


optional name of denominator variable for pre-existing baseline data


optional name of denominator variable for the outcome


numeric. Target intra cluster correlation, provided as input when baseline data are to be simulated


number of kernels used to generate a de novo propensity


numeric. standard deviation of the normal kernel measuring spatial smoothing leading to spillover


numeric. input spillover interval


numeric. tolerance of output ICC


Synthetic data are generated by sampling around the values of variable propensity, which is a numerical vector (taking positive values) of length equal to the number of locations. There are three ways in which propensity can arise:

  1. propensity can be provided as part of the input trial object.

  2. Baseline numerators and denominators (values of baselineNumerator and baselineDenominator may be provided. propensity is then generated as the numerator:denominator ratio for each location in the input object

  3. Otherwise propensity is generated using a 2D Normal kernel density. The OOR::StoSOO is used to achieve an intra-cluster correlation coefficient (ICC) that approximates the value of 'ICC_inp' by searching for an appropriate value of the kernel bandwidth.

num[i], the synthetic outcome for location i is simulated with expectation:

E(num[i])=outcome0[i]propensity[i]denom[i](1effectI[i])/mean(outcome0[]propensity[])E(num[i]) = outcome0[i] * propensity[i] * denom[i] * (1 - effect*I[i])/mean(outcome0[] * propensity[])

The sampling distribution of num[i] depends on the value of scale as follows:

  • scale=’continuous’: Values of num are sampled from a Normal distributions with means E(num[i]) and variance determined by the fitting to ICC_inp.

  • scale=’count’: Simulated events are allocated to locations via multivariate hypergeometric distributions parameterised with E(num[i]).

  • scale=’proportion’: Simulated events are allocated to locations via multinomial distributions parameterised with E(num[i]).

denominator may specify a vector of numeric (non-zero) values in the input "CRTsp" or data.frame which is returned as variable denom. It acts as a scale-factor for continuous outcomes, rate-multiplier for counts, or denominator for proportions. For discrete data all values of denom must be > 0.5 and are rounded to the nearest integer in calculations of num.

By default, denom is generated as a vector of ones, leading to simulation of dichotomous outcomes if scale=’proportion’.

If baseline numerators and denominators are provided then the output vectors base_denom and base_num are set to the input values. If baseline numerators and denominators are not provided then the synthetic baseline data are generated by sampling around propensity in the same way as the outcome data, but with the effect size set to zero.

If matchedPair is TRUE then pair-matching on the baseline data will be used in randomization providing there are an even number of clusters. If there are an odd number of clusters then matched pairs are not generated and an unmatched randomization is output.

Either sigma_m or spillover_interval must be provided. If both are provided then the value of sigma_m is overwritten by the standard deviation implicit in the value of spillover_interval. Spillover is simulated as arising from a diffusion-like process.

For further details see Multerer (2021)


A list of class "CRTsp" containing the following components:

geom_full list: summary statistics describing the site cluster assignments, and randomization
design list: values of input parameters to the design
trial data frame: rows correspond to geolocated points, as follows:
x numeric vector: x-coordinates of locations
y numeric vector: y-coordinates of locations
cluster factor: assignments to cluster of each location
arm factor: assignments to control or intervention for each location
nearestDiscord numeric vector: signed Euclidean distance to nearest discordant location (km)
propensity numeric vector: propensity for each location
base_denom numeric vector: denominator for baseline
base_num numeric vector: numerator for baseline
denom numeric vector: denominator for the outcome
num numeric vector: numerator for the outcome
... other objects included in the input "CRTsp" object or data.frame


{smalltrial <- readdata('smalltrial.csv')
 simulation <- simulateCRT(smalltrial,
  effect = 0.25,
  ICC_inp = 0.05,
  outcome0 = 0.5,
  matchedPair = FALSE,
  scale = 'proportion',
  sigma_m = 0.6,
  tol = 0.05)

Specification of buffer zone in a cluster randomized trial


specify_buffer specifies a buffer zone in a cluster randomized trial (CRT) by flagging those locations that are within a defined distance of those in the opposite arm.


specify_buffer(trial, buffer_width = 0)



an object of class "CRTsp" or a data frame containing locations in (x,y) coordinates, cluster assignments (factor cluster), and arm assignments (factor arm).


minimum distance between locations in opposing arms for them to qualify to be included in the core area (km)


A list of class "CRTsp" containing the following components:

geom_full list: summary statistics describing the site, cluster assignments, and randomization.
geom_core list: summary statistics describing the core area
trial data frame: rows correspond to geolocated points, as follows:
x numeric vector: x-coordinates of locations
y numeric vector: y-coordinates of locations
cluster factor: assignments to cluster of each location
arm factor: assignments to "control" or "intervention" for each location
nearestDiscord numeric vector: signed Euclidean distance to nearest discordant location (km)
buffer logical: indicator of whether the point is within the buffer
... other objects included in the input "CRTsp" object or data frame


#Specify a buffer of 200m
exampletrial <- specify_buffer(trial = readdata('exampleCRT.txt'), buffer_width = 0.2)

Assign locations to clusters in a CRT


specify_clusters algorithmically assigns locations to clusters by grouping them geographically


  trial = trial,
  c = NULL,
  h = NULL,
  algorithm = "NN",
  reuseTSP = FALSE,
  auxiliary = NULL



A CRT object or data frame containing (x,y) coordinates of households


integer: number of clusters in each arm


integer: number of locations per cluster


algorithm for cluster boundaries, with options:

NN Nearest neighbour: assigns equal numbers of locations to each cluster
kmeans kmeans clustering: aims to partition locations so that each belongs to the cluster with the nearest centroid.
TSP travelling salesman problem heuristic: Assigns locations sequentially along a travelling salesman path.

logical: indicator of whether a pre-existing path should be used by the TSP algorithm


"CRTsp" object containing external cluster and or arm assignments.


Either c or h must be specified. If both are specified the input value of c is ignored.

The reuseTSP parameter is used to allow the path to be reused for creating alternative allocations with different cluster sizes.

If an auxiliary auxiliary "CRTsp" object is specified then the other options are ignored and the cluster assignments (and arm assignments if available) are taken from the auxiliary object. The trial data frame is augmented with a column "nearestPixel" containing the distance to boundary of the nearest grid pixel in the auxiliary. If the auxiliary is a grid with design$geometry set to 'triangle', 'square' or 'hexagon' then the distance is computed to the edge of the nearest grid pixel in the discordant arm (using a circular approximation for the perimeter) rather than to the point location itself. If the point is within the pixel then the distance is given a negative sign.


A list of class "CRTsp" containing the following components:

geom_full list: summary statistics describing the site, and cluster assignments.
trial data frame: rows correspond to geolocated points, as follows:
x numeric vector: x-coordinates of locations
y numeric vector: y-coordinates of locations
cluster factor: assignments to cluster of each location
... other objects included in the input "CRTsp" object or data frame


#Assign clusters of average size h = 40 to a test set of co-ordinates, using the kmeans algorithm
exampletrial <- specify_clusters(trial = readdata('exampleCRT.txt'),
                            h = 40, algorithm = 'kmeans', reuseTSP = FALSE)

Summary of the results of a statistical analysis of a CRT


summary.CRTanalysis generates a summary of a CRTanalysis including the main results


## S3 method for class 'CRTanalysis'
summary(object, ...)



an object of class "CRTanalysis"


other arguments used by summary


No return value, writes text to the console.


{example <- readdata('exampleCRT.txt')
exampleT <- CRTanalysis(example, method = "T")